We had our comprehensive systems exam on Friday, my reaction as I walked out of the testing area was that it felt like the last 6 exams. I was right, ended up with an 88, just higher than my average in that area. The next area is normal plant operations (startup, shutdown, and power range transients) for the next month. Friday night, we treated ourselves to steak and adult beverages, Saturday did chores and hung out and today, cut some wood and having Pizza for dinner. K found a cool Halloween costume for Jack. When I saw it in the bag I was a little skeptical, but it is darling on him. While H, B and K went to Confirmation class, Jack helped me repair our wheel barrow, and after a ride in it, helped me adjust and clean the chain saw and reload it for tomorrow. FYI when I say “helped” I mean that Jack sat in his stroller and then in the wheelbarrow and played with a socket and ratchet. After that I tried unsuccessfully to convince him to nap. Gus and Misty were more in tune, though and here are some pictures for the day.