It seems even longer than it has been since I have posted. Some apologies are necessary, some are not. I have been busy with work and the like, taking care of those things that come up as the weather changes. The gutters got cleaned and firewood got stacked. The training classes were let out for the week of Thanksgiving, and due to some happy decisions earlier in the year, I worked that Monday and Tuesday. As the Unit was in an outage I was eligible for overtime on those days and on Friday and Saturday after thanksgiving. It was indeed a blessing as the renters in our little house in Idaho were evicted (not paying rent) and some major repairs were required. The house is now on the market…so if you know anyone interested let me know. In addition, early in November, I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck which leads to neck pain and tingling in extremities. The doctor proscribed a muscle relaxer and told me to take it easy. It just so happens that sitting at the computer and typing or using the mouse is very aggravating to the condition hence, no posts. As it happens now, I am at work sitting in a pretty ridiculous position to get this post done and to be able to go into the simulator this evening. Am including some pictures of the thanksgiving table, it was the 5 of us plus two of B’s friends who had very different but compelling reasons not to be at home for the day. It was a great meal and we all enjoyed it immensely.