Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This weeks Jack

Over the weekend H had a dance at school and invited B to go. I am really happy that the alumni can make an appearance occasionally. They were swing-dancing and from what the other girls in H’s class said were a hit. After the dance B brought the bunch back for a sleep over. As evidenced by my last post, Jack is ill this week and I spent most of the weekend doing light chores and watching him so that K could get part of her project (s) done for school and keep up on her reading. It took a lot of snuggling as Jack was pretty crabby. Both nights Jack was restless leading to me being tired last night and not getting the blogging done. The laundry and dishes did get done and Jack did get his bath. This weeks pictures are of the two oldsters in their dance clothes and of Jack moving around in the bedroom and hiding out in Gus' cage. Please excuse his jammies and the unmadeness of our bed. As always enjoy!!!

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